
Our Services

Welcome to Sasso Performance—your personalized path to fitness success.


Online Training

Our online training through TrainHeroic offers personalized workout programs tailored to your specific goals, fitness level, and equipment availability. No matter your location, you will have the opportunity to receive premium training at a fraction of a price. 

We also include standalone programs for those curious about “sampling” our services. These programs are created for athletes of varying training ages, so make sure you read through and decide which is the best for you.


Remote Eval

Coach Sasso will guide you through an online evaluation session where your goals, strenghts, weaknesses, mobility, and injury history will be collected. This allows us to provide the most individualized approach to your training by working towards goals that are set for each athlete. 


Nutritional Consultation

Coach Sasso will analyze your recent nutritional intake including: calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, meal frequency, and meal timing. Based on your current nutritional intake, we will be able to guide you towards an optimal way of eating that will optimize results and help you feel better in the long term. 


Custom Throwing/Hitting Programs

Using his experience from the collegiate setting, Coach Sasso will provide comprehensive throwing and hitting programs based on your strengths and weaknesses. By properly managing your throwing load and prescribing drills for each individual, we can help you gain velocity and bat speed heading into your next compeititve season.  

Unlock Your Potential with Our Programs

Explore our comprehensive training programs designed to elevate your fitness journey.

Grit and Gains: For Massive Size and Strength

Level: Intermediate

Quick Strike: An 8 Week Speed Development Course

Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Iron Initiation: 8 Week Beginner Strength

Level: Beginner

Connect With Us

Welcome to Sasso Performance – where your path to a stronger, healthier, and happier you begins. Let’s embark on this journey together and make every step count.

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